Over 49 Years in Service of WeighingMachines
Tel : 01276-267139 / 439
Mob : 09312251231, 9868252255,
8826680990, 9013355533
This system is designed for weighing amount of liquid or solid materials filled into or discharged from industrial tanks, silos, bunkers and mixers. It is used extensively in coal, liquid, steel, chemical, beverage, food, fodder, readymade concrete and cement industries, refineries and storing tanks. The system is available in stainless steel or alloy steel load cells in a capacity of 100 Kg to 100 Ton. These are used for any kind of industrial application such as normal, hygienic, high temperature, hazardous, corrosive etc. The load cells used are of compression type or shear beam type according to the material to be weighed and the type of installation. The system is used for obtaining clear idea of the volume of the material presently available in the tank. The tank should have three or four strong supports for mounting load cell assembly.