
Model No. PL-3001 FP
- The structure is designed to take care of shock loading, braking and acceleration on the platform. The Platform is of a robust design and adequate strength to sustain the respective and dynamic loads.
- Electronic balance defector for printing of only correct weight.
The printing of weight is done only after the scale is actually
- Solid and tough construction.
- Convenient zero adjustment by push button.
- Automatic zero tracking even if small particles of dirt water accumulate on the scale platform during continuous weighment.
- Viewing any weighment by R.S.T. No.
- Viewing any weighment by Vehicle No.
- Duplicate copy of the weighment by R.S.T. No.
- Facility of Insert Weighment.
- Facility of Codes for two Subtitles.
- Pit Mounted weighbridge are basically multiple module deck design with 4, 6, 8 & 12 load cells.
- Installed on civil concrete pit foundation and the platform are at ground level.
- This is a conventional method of weighing and universally accepted.