Over 49 Years in Service of WeighingMachines
Tel : 01276-267139 / 439
Mob : 09312251231, 9868252255,
8826680990, 9013355533
The company was formed and established in the year of 1961 in the name of
‘Ashoka Metal Works & Co. (Regd.)’ with the aim to serve weighing industries in a professional ways. The company having its registered office at B-17, Street No.9, Anand Parbat Industrial Area, N. Delhi-110005 and manufactures Electronic weigh bridges with the brand ‘EVERLAST’. as per IS:9281 specifications and those lay down by the Department of Weights & Measures, Government of India.
Existing mechanical weighbridge can be converted to this system at a normal cost. The mechanical structure is based on 5 Lever..
This system is designed for weighing amount of liquid or solid materials filled into or discharged from industrial tanks, silos, bunkers and mixers.
This system is designed for weighing amount of liquid or solid materials filled into or discharged from industrial tanks, silos, bunkers and mixers.